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Chinese Internal Martial Arts and Bujinkan Ninjutsu

We invite you to join us to an unique Chinese Internal Martial Arts and Bujinkan Ninjutsu seminar.

About sensei Cristian Laiber:

Cristian Laiber started martial arts in 1983 and trains every year in Japan with masters from many traditions.

He is a regular student of Ishizuka sensei – oldest student of Ninjutsu grandmaster Hatsumi sensei and 2 years ago he was rewarded by soke Hatsumi with Bujinkan Golden Dragon medal as well as ShinGiTai menkyo, a rare special certification in Bujinkan Ninjutsu.

After the official Dai Nippon Butokukai shihan certification in Aikijutsu in Kyoto, he discovered Machida sensei – old student of Ichio Oba sensei (Takeda Ryu Aikijutsu) but also of Sato Kinbei sensei – the pioneer of chinese internal arts in Japan. So, besides the Aikijutsu, he has the great oportunity to study chinese internal arts as Taiji, XingYi, Bagua, arrived in japan on the Taiwanese lineage, far more rich then the mainland chinese simplified Taiji arts. Also he traveled to Okinawa in order to study the deeper roots of chinese internal arts as arrived from Taiwan and Fuzhou.
He meets many old masters who are the keepers of a true genuine wisdom that have nothing to do with modern Martial Sports and competitions. Thus his legacy is an unvaluable source of information for all the sincere practitioners who goes a traditional Martial and spiritual path.
Cristian Laiber is the chef instructor of Raiden Dojo Bucharest. Raiden Norrköping Martial Arts is a branch of Raiden Dojo from Romania.

Seminars theme:

Friday: Ninjutsu. The concept of Ichimonji no kamae and how how to transpose it in physical form. How to allign and hold your body structure in one line in order to gain more power and to conceal your movement.

Saturday and Sunday: Chinese Internal Martial Arts. We begin with the emblematic form of Single Whip and will explore multiple forms and changings of this technique. We shall explore the 4 fundamental Powers of Taijiquan: Peng (Bouncing), Lu( Rolling backwards), Ji (pressing) and An ( Pushing).

Tuishou (Pushing hands) exercises with partner and much more.

Ninjutsu class on Friday: 250 kr
Taijiquan class on saturday and Sunday: 600 kr
One day class 400 kr.
All three days: 700 kr

Tränings schedule:
Friday: 17-20
Saturday: 9-15 ( One hour lunch break)
Sunday: 9-15 ( One hour lunch break).

Contact and regsister:

Please make your reservation as soon as possible since we are a small studio and have to purchase plane tickets for our guest.

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